Monarch migration story for Lightworkers


Yesterday as I was driving on the highways of Texas and grumbling about how every town looks the same, with ticky-tacky McMansion houses and the same outdoor malls, and the same radio stations playing the same songs, I noticed a butterfly floating across my windshield. Then two more over the construction worker’s head, and on his truck. What? Then passing a car wreck, ten butterflies dancing above the police car. By the time I got to my destination I was seeing THOUSANDS of monarchs. “Ohh...” I thought. “This must be their migration path to Mexico...” 

The butterflies were so close to me I could see their heads and the great energy it took to pump their wings open, and then the release of gliding effortlessly on the airstream. It was wonderful to see these purposeful, effervescent beings floating above the dreary mundane human unfoldment. The monarchs had a message for wayshowers: Wake up! Be bright, be joyous, and keep moving forward in your truth. Keep your spirit above the illusory world. The journey is hard, it’s long (three thousand miles!) but we are made for this. Keep expressing truth, light, and faith in the inherent goodness of all beings. Do the next right thing, be of service, express your authentic self. Take time for yourself every day and know that you are not alone: there are others flying with you. It’s not time for defeatism; It’s time for transformation, transition, and moving towards our destination with grace and determination 🦋.